Night Sky

Our daily lives are noisy: voices, light, digital inputs and the man made noise of our environment can leave us feeling overwhelmed. 

At the 19th Acre you'll enjoy peace and the natural sounds: the sound of the ocean, the sound of the skylarks as they dip in and out of the water,  the sound of kids who laugh and play in the big grass spaces, the sound of waves and, perhaps, the odd bleat of an animal or two at tea time.  Even more calming is the silence, peace and often forgotten joy of the huge silent vista of stars twinkling in the night sky. These big, open skies define our countryside experience and on a clear night you can see some 4,000 celestial friends shining their light back on you.

Absent light pollution and  away from towns and streetlights we enjoy a wonderfully clear view of the night sky and the impact is breath-taking. Take a moment to locate the St Agnes & Chapel Porth region on the  The Dark Sky Discovery network, to see the fantastic place we enjoy.

Imagine: Stargazing after a long day of swimming and surfing.

Explore: The galaxy from the comfort of your own patio chair or laying comfortably on the grass.

Discover:  the glow of the Andromeda Galaxy. Two million light years away. 

Look up! It's waiting for you.